Privacy Policy

Thanks for using the platform of Famous Embroidery for acquiring the services of any of digitization and vectorization. This policy elaborates the ins and outs of our practices; including how and why we collect your information when you acquire our digitizing & vectorizing services. The policy also explains the methods we use to collect your data that is handled for specific purposes. Nevertheless, we would also like to emphasize that we take our customers’ privacy policy very seriously. We do not sell, distribute or share our records with anyone. Be that may be an individual or an enterprise.

Collection of Information

All the information that is collected through this web portal is owned and accessible by Famous Embroidery only. The only information we make use of or have access is provided to us by the customers themselves. Either by contacting us directly over the phone, through an email or either by registering at Famous

Use of Information

We will only use the information provided by you like a call of action for the specific purpose you contact us for. We may further contact you for a follow-up, to inform you about the specials, and the latest services either via phone or email. We may also send a monthly newsletter if you have subscribed, until or unless you explicitly asked not to do so. As aforementioned, the information and the data we collect from our customers is not to be sold to any other third party, enterprise or organization. Furthermore, the collected data and information will be utilized for Famous as well.

All of the collected information including the password that you made for your account will be saved into our database for future references. (The same rules apply for Famous as well.)

You’re Rights

You reserve the right to instruct us to provide us with the necessary information we kept within our records. You may further address any concern or queries about us keeping your data. You may also ask us to delete your personal information from our records

And we will comply with your request. Moreover, you may also ask us not to contact you any further in the future for marketing purposes or any.

Updates of Information

You can update your personal information anytime you want to by using your account on the database portal. You are freely advised to update your information you have accessed.

Security Precautions

We take special precautions in order to prevent any kind of loss, damage, and modification of your personal and sensitive information, within our records, both offline and online. All the information we collect is archived and stored safely in our secure database servers. All of the information is encrypted to maximize the security of our customers. Furthermore, we will never ask you to disclose your password, except for the log-in purpose. The responsibility of safekeeping the password rests upon you. Famous Embroidery is not liable for any loss of data, whether it may be due to a technical error, hack or any other.

Amendments Famous Embroidery has reserved all the rights to, and will, update this policy occasionally by issuing a newer version on our website in lies of the changes within the business environment and the organization within. It is recommended that you visit this page from time to time, in order to be aware of any and every changes or amendment made to the privacy policy.

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